About the Author (And this Blog)

Hello Dear Reader! Welcome to Swampy Memes Watch. In this blog we will be following weekly updates on the content and status of the University of Florida's main meme page, Swampy UF memes for Top Ten Public Teens. The Swampy meme page contains over 21,000 members who both view and produce content for the page. The closed group's membership is made of of UF students, alumni, faculty, Gainesville residents and individuals around the state of Florida. The Swampy memes page is a nexus of local news, politics and humor with memes focusing on shared cultural experiences at UF and events of note that are of importance to students (Like the NPB Tree being destroyed in hurricane Irma). 

I am your author, Raymon Troncoso. I am a third year student at the University of Florida pursuing a degree in Political Science and another in Telecommunication News. This blog is not just an assignment for RTV3106: Interactive Media, but it's also a fun side project to archive and catalogue the progress of a significant student run platform that in less than 6 months has become a massive influence of campus. I hope to do our Swampy Meme Overlords justice with this blog.

go gata.


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